

L.A.C Groomers provide a wide range of services covering all your dog grooming needs. Whether it’s your puppy’s first groom or your dog’s regular “wash & dry”, our bespoke service is based on breed characteristics, your preferences and your pet’s own nature and health. We can provide the perfect package at competitive and affordable rates. All our grooming equipment and tools are professional-salon standard and we only use professional cruelty free products.
LAC Groomers provide a wide range of services covering all your dog grooming needs. Whether it’s your puppy’s first groom or your dog’s regular “wash & dry”, our bespoke service is based on breed characteristics, your preferences and your pet’s own nature and health. We can provide the perfect package at competitive and affordable rates. All our grooming equipment and tools are professional-salon standard and we only use professional
 cruelty free products.

    Your dog’s welfare is our number one priority so no matter how well we already know him or her  we will always carry out a health check at each grooming session looking for any signs of allergies, lumps, bumps and sores.  We'll advise you quickly of anything that needs yours or your vets attention. 


    Almost every dog will have fleas at some time during their life. It is not a sign that the dog is dirty or neglected, just part of owning a dog.  

    Tell tale signs that your dog has fleas

    - Flea Dirt- black specks on your pet or in your pets bed.

    - Scratching- your dog will be restless & scratch excessively.

    - See them- You may see the fleas on the dog or in your home.

    As well as causing irritation due to scratching, fleas can also cause other problems such as anemia and skin allergies which can lead to hair loss and skin infections etc.


    Our treatment will not entirely solve the problem as approximately only  5% of fleas will be on the dog, the other 95% are at the home in carpets, bedding and soft furnishings, so  It is important to also treat the home. not forgetting the car. 

    We can only  book this treatment on evenings to allow for proper time to disinfect the salon after. If we find fleas on your dog and had not been made aware before hand we will not be able to carry out the groom and you will be asked to reschedule your appointment. 


    All puppies need to get use to the big wide world from an early age to allow them to grow into confident and happy dogs. Once a puppy has completed their vaccinations, we encourage owners to book their puppy into the salon as soon as possible as this helps them deal with the new sights, sounds and smells and allows grooming to become part of the norm for them.

     Just as with nervous dogs, we will never rush grooming your pup and will always handle him or her with plenty of TLC.

    Our regular health check will apply as standard.

    puppy package includes: 

    - A 30 minute intro for your pup to have a sniff around the salon and the equipment, getting him or her use to the sights, sounds and smells. In this time puppy will play games and get some yummy treats.

    - On the second session puppy will receive a  bath, dry, brush, and trim if needed, also ears & eyes cleaned, nails trimmed and puppy cologne.

  • WASH & DRY

    Dog bathing in our professional hydrobath, using an appropriate shampoo that is cruelty free and kind to your dog’s skin and a conditioner as necessary or requested.

    Drying - each dog is dried to best fit their need taking in consideration their breed and coat type using our top of the range professional dryers whilst gently using brushes appropriate to your dog’s size & coat; this also helps remove any remaining loose hair.

    This service is also ideal for in between full grooms and it can help keep your dog’s coat in top condition and matt-free. 


    Double undercoated breeds such as Border Collies and Golden Retrievers can shed heavily during different seasons.  Our de-shedding treatment can reduce this by 60% – 80% in turn providing healthier skin and coat growth. 

    For further information on de-shedding treatment feel free to contact us.


    - Hydrobath using suitable cruelty free shampoo and conditioner for your dogs coat type and needs.

    - Gentle blow dry (we do not use cabinet dryers)

    - Brush out

    - Trim/Style - This can be breed standard, personal choice or if your stuck, please feel free to ask us and we will be happy to help. 

    - Ears and eyes cleaned.

    - Nails trimmed

    - Breath freshener

    - Doggy cologne


    A blueberry treatment to help remove dirt, beard and tear stains. Popular for light coloured dogs such as Bichons, Maltese and Poodles


    Nail clipping is an important part of our overall grooming service and should be done regularly either by your groomer or vet. 

    Overgrown nails can become painful for dogs and lead to health issues.


    These are all a standard part of our overall service at each grooming session.


    A regularly scheduled oral hygiene routine is the best way to protect your pet’s dental health. The Emmi-pet ultrasonic teeth cleaning is a none invasive teeth cleaning system which uses 100% ultrasound without brushing or vibration. It works along side the toothpaste to create micro bubbles which help dissolve and lift the tarter away from the tooth.

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